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​Twitter: @sweetpeahands
Smile A Life

No matter what else I have or do not have, I have the beautiful experience of life. No matter what may have happened before, or what might come next, I have this

Now is when I can make it count. Now is when I am connected with unbounded opportunities to make a positive difference.

I don't waste my time complaining about what I lack or worrying about what I might lose. I invest the best of what I have in this moment to create new value.

If I choose to be annoyed or resentful, I will only drag myself down. Instead, I challenge myself to be more positive and effective than I've ever been, right now.

I Smile at Life, even when life has not smiled at me first. I will be the first one to initiate goodness, and I'll be the first one to benefit from that goodness.

I am here, and there is nothing to fear. I count my blessings, and before I am finished counting I'll have even more.

Live in Gratitude

Fear of loss is what creates loss. Love of possibilities is what drives the fulfillment of those possibilities.

What good is it to have something if I constantly live in fear of losing it? In some ways, that's worse than not having it at all.

Instead of living in fear, I live in gratitude. I fill my heart with love and thankfulness for all that I now have, so that there is no space left for fear.

I fill my mind with thoughts of the very best of what is possible for my world. I fill my spirit with a bright, sparkling vision of how good I know life can be.

Sure, the superficial things will come and go, so I don't let those things define me. Instead, I treasure the values that transcend every moment and every circumstance.

The genuine person inside of me is much more powerful than my ego that always feels so threatened. I live in gratitude and let the real, authentic, courageous person I am, always come shining through.

I am having a grateful week!

Build a Future

The more I take action, the more good things I'll have coming my way. I will come across more and better opportunities, learn more things, and become more skilled at
getting the results I want.

Yes, I am going to make mistakes, and I'll regularly need to adjust my approach. But that's no reason to avoid action.

In fact, that's a good reason to get started as soon as possible. If I am going to make mistakes, it's better to get out there, get the mistakes over with, and learn from

I won’t sit around wondering and worrying about what might happen. I use my own actions and my own energy to determine what will happen.

I won't sit around building a list of complaints and regrets. Instead, I take real, focused action and build a positive, fulfilling future for myself.

I figure out what I want to create, where I want to go, what I want to experience, and who I want to become. Then I get myself in action and keep moving in the direction
I've chosen.

I Let go of Limiting Beliefs

I have the power to change my life. I have the power to change the world. I can take action, I can make a difference, and I can respond in a positive, creative way to any situation. I can do whatever must be done to live the life of my dreams.

Yet in order to do so I must first believe that I can. In order to do so I must let go of the limiting beliefs I use to hold myself back.

Each limiting belief I have is nothing more than a thought that lives in my mind. It is a thought that has power only as long as I continue to hold on to it.

What do I believe I cannot do? Though it may be a comfortable and familiar part of my life, that belief is constantly working against me.

Just as I have chosen to hold that limiting belief, I can choose to let it go. One by one, I let go of my limiting beliefs, and free myself to make the very most of every

Steadfastness of Purpose

I don't base my attitude on how things are. I choose my attitude so that it supports and expresses the way I wish to be.

Events and circumstances swirl around me in a constant state of flux and confusion. Yet those things I perceive and experience do not define who I am.

I am more than the fleeting situations and occurrences in my world. Living within me are the steady values, purposes, intentions and dreams that transcend all the ups
and downs playing out around me.

I let my feelings be guided and inspired by the best that's inside me. I don't let those feelings be tossed in every direction by whatever happens to come my way.

There is no end to the number of distractions vying to pull me away from my purpose. Yet there is no good reason to give in to any of those distractions, for each one will soon
pass on by.

I live with a steadfastness of positive purpose. Who I truly am, is always much stronger than whatever I might be going through or what people may think of me.

Beyond Stuck


I am capable of much more than just getting by. I have it in me to prosper and to triumph.

If I feel stuck where I am, that means my dreams haven't been big enough or meaningful enough to push me persistently forward. I am using that uncomfortable feeling of
being stuck as motivation to expand and to solidly connect with my most authentic dreams.

I take full responsibility for what I’ve done and for where I am. I take full responsibility and make the commitment to fulfill my most valuable and treasured

Painful circumstances and periods of misfortune can be very difficult, but they're not what have held me back. What has held me back is that I’ve chosen to ignore or discount
my most compelling reasons for moving forward.

If I feel stuck, that means I am ready. That means I know deep within that I must do whatever it takes to bring my dreams to life.

I reach inside, touch my true dreams, feel my authentic purpose, and step boldly forward. There's no reason to be stuck for one moment longer.

I am having a great week!

Reward Yourself

There is much I have already done, and there is much more that remains to be done. I take a little break, and remember  how truly fortunate I am.

Yes, my task is difficult and complicated, frustrating at times and tedious at other times. But by doing it, however, I am making a difference, and that's a big part of what life
is all about.

I give myself a rest every so often, but I don't give myself an excuse to give up. I remember why I started in the first place, and recommit myself to getting it done.

Instead of fighting and striving and struggling to get it done, I take a moment to take a deep breath and to smile a genuine smile. I take control of my own attitude, and choose
to enjoy the work I’m doing.

Rather than resenting what I must do, I celebrate the opportunity to achieve. I reward myself for my discipline and persistence by feeling truly good about what I’m able to get accomplished.

With every effort, I am creating new value. With every moment, I am moving closer to the goal, and rewarding myself along the way. Have a great week rewarding yourself!

"A mediocre idea that generates enthusiasm will go further than a great idea that inspires no one."

"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh aloud, work hard, give freely and be kind"

"Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have,  which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see it is what you would have wanted had you known."          
I don't base my attitude on how things are. I choose my  attitude so that it supports and expresses the way I wish to be. 

Events and circumstances swirl around me in a constant state of flux and confusion. Yet those things I perceive and experience do not define who I am. 

I am more than the fleeting situations and occurrences in my world. Living within me are the steady values, purposes, intentions and dreams that transcend all the ups and downs playing out around me. 

I let my feelings be guided and inspired by the best that's inside me. I don't let those feelings be tossed in every  direction by whatever happens to come my way. 

There is no end to the number of distractions vying to pull me away from my purpose. Yet there is no good reason to  give in to any of those distractions, for each one will soon 
pass on by. 

I live with a steadfastness of positive purpose. Who I truly am, is always much stronger than whatever I might be  going through or what people may think of me.

Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it. ~ Brian Tracy

On every journey you take, you are met with options. At every fork in the road, you make a choice. These are the decisions that shape your life. ~ Mike DeWine
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh aloud, work hard, give freely and be kind"

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. --Maya Angelou